Saturday, June 25, 2011

Recording studio at home... without paying a cent.

The album has begun!

The approach I have taken so far is, "Oh, I like that song! Yeah, I'll cover that one now!"

Well, maybe it's not that casual or random, but... the point is that I have recorded songs as I choose to put them on the album.

I have two songs recorded already! One of those I have edited, produced, and finished, while the other one is still in the editing/producing stages. It is so exciting that, in three days, I have one and a half songs completely done!

I do not plan to reveal what the songs on the album are until the album in finished in its entirety, and I am in the heavy-advertising stage. When I reach that point, I think it would be a good idea to feature 30-second samples on this blog, and probably the Head Indie Clouds Facebook page, too. But I am getting a little ahead of myself, aren't I?
My professional recording studio. Oh, yeah. High-tech stuff, right there.

Let's focus on what I have done already: these two songs. But really, in these past few days, I have accomplished so much more than that. For example, in order to record, I had to figure out some means of high-quality recording. If I am going to try and sell this album, the quality has to be professional. However, I do not have the resources that professional musicians have, like a high-tech recording studio.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Brainstorming song selections

I have decided that, while I may include some original songs, I definitely want to have some covers on the Album-Yet-To-Be-Named.

The ultimate goal of this whole project is for people to buy the album, so I can donate the profits to Ear Candy. That means that I want to have songs on the album that people will want to listen to and buy! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

So far, my brainstorming list includes "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban and "Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri. I need suggestions! What songs would you like to see covered?

Leave me a comment below! Thank you!

Wait... so I'm actually making an album?

Welcome! This blog is going to document the process of planning, creating, recording, designing, and distributing my very own album of music.

I have decided to produce my album through the lens of Community and Service; I plan to sell my album to the public so that I can donate the profits to Ear Candy, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing children with access to music education.