Thursday, August 18, 2011


FINALLY! The samples are here and ready to be heard!!! Feel free to listen to these clips as many times as you want! There are eleven total tracks on the album -- two of which are mash-ups (two individual songs that I "mixed" together to form one single track)!

Also, the album does in fact have a title: Bits and Pieces! When you buy the CD and read the booklet, you'll see why! (:

UPDATE 9/24/11 -- Bits and Pieces is now available for purchase online! Click here to learn more.

Track list:
  1. Price Tag/Good People (it's a mash-up!)
  2. Fix You
  3. Sunday Morning (ft. Audrey Lamont)
  4. Pieces of Me
  5. Jar of Hearts
  6. Over the Rainbow/What A Wonderful World (another mash-up!)
  7. Stairway to Heaven
  8. Cool My Heels
  9. Rolling in the Deep
  10. Keep Your Head Up
  11. Hallelujah

Now, without further ado, here is a taste of what you will hear on Bits and Pieces:

Price Tag/Good People
(This track is a mash-up of two songs that have similar messages.)

Fix You

Sunday Morning (ft. Audrey Lamont)

Pieces of Me

Jar of Hearts

Over The Rainbow/What A Wonderful World

Stairway to Heaven

Cool My Heels

Rolling in the Deep

Keep Your Head Up
