Sunday, July 17, 2011

Two voices are better than one

Yesterday evening I invited my best friend, Audrey Lamont, over to my house to record a duet for the album. I am so excited to be able to feature her great guitar playing and voice in a collaboration song!

I wish I had some pictures or something to post from our recording session, but the only thing I have is a 28-minute recorded conversation we had, a result of me never turning the microphone off. I'm pretty sure no one cares to listen to our half-hour discussion/laughing fit about ugly dogs. But what can I say? That's the kind of stuff that happens when you tell best friends to record a song: they do everything but record a song!

We did get the song done, eventually, though. It sounds pretty good, if I do say so myself! And if we had some laughs along the way, there is nothing wrong with that!

Thank you, Audrey, for working on this track with me; I can't wait for everyone (including you) to hear it when the album is released!

For the comments: When you and your best friend have to do something, do you get extremely off-topic like we did? How do you combat group-procrastination?