Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Scavenger hunt!

Everyone needs a little fun, and everyone needs a little publicity. So here's the deal.

The prize: For each winner, I will promote something in a blog post. The winners will choose what it is that I promote for them. This blog is read by hundreds of people daily, so if you are doing a personal project that you want more people to know about and support, I can promote it! If you have a company, I can talk about it! If you have art that you make, I can show it! I'll talk about whatever it is that you want, provided that it is appropriate.

How to play: Follow the scavenger hunt instructions for each clue.

Every time you find the answer, you will be told to post a comment stating something specific. You have not solved the clue until you have successfully posted a comment with the appropriate information.

A really important thing: Make sure to UNCHECK the "Post to Facebook" box before you post your comments.

Normally, you'd leave it checked so that I can be sure to reply to your comment, but since this is a game and a competition, don't ruin it by posting a link to the answer on Facebook! Again, if you don't uncheck the box, I will have to disqualify you. Please be careful!

A few rules:

  • The questions must be answered in order (Clue #1, Clue #2, then Clue #3. Don't skip around.)
  • When prompted by the clues, you must leave a comment on the blog post that the clue is on. Don't leave the answers in the comments on this blog post unless you are specifically told to do so by the clues! You are not finished with the clue until you have been told to leave a comment somewhere and you left your comment.
  • You must uncheck the "Post to Facebook" box for every comment you post.
  • Don't share your answers! Please please please don't cheat this game -- that ruins all the fun!!
  • In order to be eligible for the prize, you must have completed the scavenger hunt successfully before September 3rd at 11:59pm.

Soooo, get crackin'! Here are the clues!

Clue #1: In the "Trending Topics," found on the right column of the blog, it tells you how many blog posts deal with what topics. Open a separate tab in your browser for each topic that ties for least common (less common = less amount of posts). Out of all of the tabs you open, two posts should come up twice. Pick the post, out of those two, with more photos. Look at the photos in the post; one of them will tell you what to post in the comments of that blog post! Return to this post when you're done.

Clue #2: Find the three oldest posts on this blog (hint: use the Blog Archive on the right column of the blog). One of those three posts contains a word that is underlined and bolded. Find that word, then go back to the Blog Archive and find the oldest post with that EXACT word on the post title. (For example, if the word "dog" was bolded and underlined in one of the three oldest posts, you would look in the Blog Archive for the oldest post with the word "dog" in its title.) If you're in the right spot, you'll find further instructions.

Clue #3: In the "Trending Topics," click on the topic that is the most common (most common = most posts about it = largest). Once you've clicked it, you see a snippet of all the blog posts pertaining to that topic. Find the blog post that contains a bullet-list of five items (five bullets) and click on the link that says "Click to continue reading or leave a comment" on that blog post. There are further instructions waiting for you at the end of that post.

Once you have followed all of the instructions correctly, leave a comment on THIS blog post proclaiming your victory!!! It will be sure to make others jealous! :P To claim your prize, email me at

Just to clarify: There is no limit to how many people can win! As long as you finish before the deadline, you win!!!