People seemed to like it the last time I did a visitor profile, so I thought I'd do an updated one now that we've hit the 3,000 mark:
- The blog is most popular in the United States, Spain, Malaysia, Mexico, Germany, Australia, United Kingdom, Poland, Czech Republic, France, and Ukraine
- The majority of Head Indie Clouds visitors use Chrome (41%), followed by Safari (16%).
- One of the browsers used to visit Head Indie Clouds is called Teleca. I'm pretty sure that this is not a browser used in the United States... does anyone know what this is and where it is popular?
- The most common operating systems are Windows (65%) and Android (9%). Other operating systems include Mac, iPhone, iPad, Linux, Nintendo Wii, Nokia (again, this must be foreign -- anyone have information on it?), and Blackberry
Again, I sincerely appreciate all of your support. I thank each and every one of you!