Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We've hit 3,000 visitors!

Wow! Head Indie Clouds has been visited over 3,000 times! How exciting! Thank you so much. It means so much to me that people come back again and again to read and comment on my posts. And to the new readers, welcome!

People seemed to like it the last time I did a visitor profile, so I thought I'd do an updated one now that we've hit the 3,000 mark:
  • The blog is most popular in the United States, Spain, Malaysia, Mexico, Germany, Australia, United Kingdom, Poland, Czech Republic, France, and Ukraine
  • The majority of Head Indie Clouds visitors use Chrome (41%), followed by Safari (16%).
  • One of the browsers used to visit Head Indie Clouds is called Teleca. I'm pretty sure that this is not a browser used in the United States... does anyone know what this is and where it is popular?
  • The most common operating systems are Windows (65%) and Android (9%). Other operating systems include Mac, iPhone, iPad, Linux, Nintendo Wii, Nokia (again, this must be foreign -- anyone have information on it?), and Blackberry
Again, I sincerely appreciate all of your support. I thank each and every one of you!